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Life & Fitness a Brand

by Andrew Leo 11 Jun 2020 0 Comments

The last time you had to take the stairs instead of the elevator (damn!) and sweat profusely by just looking at the flight of stairs and gasping for air after reaching your floor explains it all.  Imagine what you will do in Zombie apocalypse. (If there is any)

“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.”

—Jerry Rice

To be fit today is a pre-requisite.

Your physical fitness contours your life longevity and it's quality. Being fit doesn’t imply that you spend half your day doing crunches or running on a treadmill in a gym. Integrating a good workout for about 30 minutes every day is the most beneficial. Our daily routines define our lives. To be honest, the times are such that each one us is multi-tasking and there is no shortcut to lead the life we are living.  When young, say in our teens or late twenties our body is proficient to cope up with mental and physical stress and abuse. By the time we age our physicality is not as sharp as our intellect. This is the downfall. Our body is nothing but the biological machinery that like any other machine requires care and maintenance. A daily workout or a physical activity that you love or have fun doing is a must- doesn’t matter if you’re under, normal or overweight. It is beneficial and improves your stamina and furthermore increases your productivity. Fitness is the only tool to self-dependency even when you are old. With exercising you can reduce the tendency of stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, breast cancer, obesity and delay mortality. An exercise not only shapes your body but it shapes your mental health as well. It increases the concentration of norepinephrine, a chemical that moderates brain’s response to stress. Also, it alleviates anxiety and helps an individual calm

Aerobics, Dancercise, Zumba, Pilates, and Yoga some of the most fun and interesting exercise to shed the kilos and relax. Put on a great upbeat music and just move to the tunes and rest will follow. Don’t want to hit the gym, fret not there are millions of video tutorials for any kind of work out you want- be it a specific body part or body type. It just a matter of time you will experience good results which will, in turn, motivate you to push yourself to other arrays of physical activities.

Approaching any of these physical activities requires the understanding and know-how of it. Clothing and work out accessories are as important. A comfortable workout and a sturdy pair of shoe will be as important. Getting into gear makes you more focused and you feel confident and are likely to take your regime more seriously. Make sure outfit is stretchy airy and is made up of material suitable to different weather conditions.

We might have got you into the mode where you are planning a routine already. The next day you wake and won’t pretty much remember a thing. So here are few tricks- we all have a sexy dress, top or denim that we have outgrown, secondly set up micro challenges – it can be to lose a kg or two in a week or extending half a kilometre run. Join Group fitness classes- the energy will instill is commendable. Lastly maintain a record online or a little workout notebook, where you can keep a track of your micro challenges and how you felt after the workout. On this note, we would like to conclude that the rewards that you reap through an effective routine, will be beyond substantial and you lead a more enjoyable, energetic and happier life.

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